Monday, 4 February 2013

Pattering: Graphing, T-charts, Variables, etc.

Variables can be either a dependent variable or an independent variable. Variables are numbers but used in unknown. Aunknown is a variable that is introduced to stand for a constant value that is not initially known. Its like finding whats the unknown number, like if you had a t-chart and a person gets a variable.You find whats the variable. Like if you gave the person the number 1 then person will give you a number. You need at least 3 guesses or so to find the variable. 
you picked the number 1 then the person gave the number 2 then you picked another number like 2 then the person gave 4 then you picked the number 6 then the person gave 12. etc.
tip. to find the number you may want to start with numbers 1 - 10. But the variable their is 2x=y, it like multiplying  the term/figure etc. number 2 times to get the final answer.

For graphing you need to ALWAYS label your graph or else you wont get a mark on labeling the graph. Also you must make a diagonal line on the dots you made. In the graph you must also make it even like if you put number 2 you cant you like 2 7 9 13 etc you its like 2 4 6 8 10 etc. 

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