Comparing and Ordering Fractions!!!
Hi, today we will be covering comparing and ordering fractions. First of all, what is this process? This process is or can be a few things. Sadly, you need another process in order for you to compare and order fractions. Specifically this process will be on how to make common denominators.
Here are ways to make common denominators
-multiplying both denominators
-multiply/dividing numerator and the denominator
There are probably more but these are the methods I use
Multiplying both denominators
First of all, to get the common denominator using this method, you need to multiply both denominators together just like the title says. e.g.
7/8 1/4
Your new denominator is 32! Sadly, you're not done yet. You now have to multiply your numerators by the value which you used to multiply your denominators. e.g.
1 x 8 8 7 x4 28
- = - - = -
4 x8 32 8 x4 32
Multiplying/ dividing both the numerator and the Denominator
For this method, you only require to multiply/divide 1 of the fraction's numerator and denominator. e.g.
1 x2 2 2 divided by 2 1
- = - or - = -
4 x2 8 8 divided by 2 4
Now that you know more about common denominators, we can begin the actual lesson!
Comparing Fractions
First of all, comparing fractions is easy when you have the same denominator, but when there different it gets quite frustrating. Luckily, we have the common denominator method to help us! e.g.
Which is larger? 3/4 or 7/8 to turn 3/4 into a new fraction you multiply the numerator and denominator by 2 which makes 6/8. Turns out 7/8 is bigger!
ordering fractions
Now to order fractions you need to make common denominators with all of them! but how? Well, look at the example and find out!
1/4 1/2 2/6 2/3 All the denominators are factors of 12!!! So we need to make our denominator 12 using the second method listed! e.g.
1/4 4x3= 12 1x3=3 Our new fraction is 3/12! 1/2 2x6=12 1x6=6 our new fraction is 6/12
2/6 6x2=12 2x2=4 our new fraction is 4/12 2/3 3x4=12 2x4=8 our new fraction is 8/12
Now we can order them!!!
3/12 4/12 6/12 8/12 Don't forget to return them to their normal state!!
1/4, 2/6, 1/2, 2/3
Helpful videos! Lowest Common Denominator!
Common Denominator By Justin Bieber LOL
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