Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Rounding and Estimating

Rounding- To round you need to take your number that your working with, so lets say I'm working with the number 63. If your number is 0 - 4 your going to round to a lower number, so if you want to round to your nearest tenth you look for the number after your tenths unit which is a 3, since 3 is under 4 your going to round down to 60. Say my number was 67, you're going to round up to 70, your going to do this because any number from 5 - 9, is going to be rounded up since these numbers are closer to the next tenth.

Estimating- To estimate, what I do is I round first. Lets say I want to add 56 and 32, to estimate this I round first. So, 56 rounded to the nearest tenth would be 60 because it's a greater number than 4, then we take the 32 and round it to the nearest tenth, which is 30. It's rounded to 30 because it's a lower number than 4. After you round your numbers you can add, subtract, multiply, etc. Now lets take the numbers we rounded, which is 60 and 30, add them together making 90. Since it's an estimation it is not going to be exact.

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